Reno 7.1.08
Ahhh...the familiar pack-up ritual of camp.... Michael gets all of the big boxes ready to go - food, coolers, stove, etc. While I pack up the insides of the tent - blanket, lantern, duffel bags (his & hers), then it's time to roll up the sleeping bags which is much easier when there's 4 hands, sweep the inside of the tent, sweep the outside, & we're ready to roll up the tent & ground tarp. Whew!! From there, it's Michael's turn again to pack everything into the jeep (he's the tetris master). Once packed, we place the hitch, firewood, & we're off! We've been consistently leaving the campsites around 10:30.
We made it to Reno around noon. After a short trip downstairs (literally!), we hit the casino floor. Hey, we have to finance this trip somehow!! Hours later, Michael was up .30 cents (after being up several hundred dollars earlier) and I managed to lose $40. Hmmm...maybe we should re-think this whole way of financing. haha...
We're back at the room for a shower, e-mails, blogs, TV, and we're headed to dinner in a bit.
Tomorrow we're going to Yosemite!! Woohoo!! Well...Lee Vining, just outside of Yosemite as we couldn't get reservations for the 4th of July holiday.
More to follow!!
{GMST}39|31.678|N|119|49.164|W|Hanging in the hotel in Reno, NV|Reno, NV{GEND}
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