Friday, October 17, 2008

Back in Mazatlan 10.17.08

Ahhh....home!! The boat fared well - no mold to speak of, nothing missing, one door doesn't close like it used to and we think it's a little water intrusion, but will need to look further into it. We turned on the refrigerator yesterday and it's getting up to temperature well. It only has a few items in it right now as we haven't provisioned yet but we have lots of water, beer, & towels inside. The past couple days we've been unpacking the boat - moving everything back out onto the deck from inside, and unpacking everything we brought from the Jeep. We brought enough books to last us quite a while! We didn't realize just how many we had brought until we started unpacking them! We were given some from friends, purchased some, brought some from Nicaragua, and they all added up! There's probably 50 or so! haha... Now it's the chore of stowing everything!

I haven't felt good since before we left Texas - I picked up a cold along the way so I've been taking it a little easy since we arrived. Today I'm updating the main computer with all of the necessary updates - windows updates, antivirus, firewall, etc and catching up on the blog! The heat is miserable - it's hot, hot, hot here! Temps are in the 90's and the humidity has been in the upper 90's as well! The heat index has been over 110 degrees for the last couple days! Our little A/C unit gets the main cabin down to a comfy 74 degrees at night but just can't compete with the heat during the day and the temp inside raises to the upper 80's. Michael installed the cover onto the back half of the boat (the mizzen side) today which we hope will help to keep the aft cabin, where we sleep, a little cooler. The main cover, over the main boom, we hope to install in the next day or so. When we first got onto the boat, I removed the foil window coverings from the windows but quickly put them right back up, and more, over all of the windows to keep the heat & sun from getting inside the boat.

It's time for the cruisers to begin coming back to the boats and already there were 13 boaters that checked in on the morning net. There are 7 cruisers on our dock preparing their boat for the season. The girls in the office said there were only 3 cruisers who stayed the entire summer. We picked up a loaf of bread and have been eating cold sandwiches for lunch and showering (in cold water which feels FANTASTIC!) and going up to the newest restaurant, Gus Gus, that is just at the top of our dock entrance.

So other than that, we're just generally getting the boat packed & ready. Michael has several projects he needs to complete before we leave but for now we're just getting everything stowed & will attempt to relax a bit before tackling all the hard stuff. We have to close all of the doors so that the main cabin gets cool so it's not very conducive to completing a project when you have to move stuff, open up that door to get stuff, close it to keep it cool, etc. I'm sure we'll figure out how to get around it all but for now that's what we're up to!!

Hurricane season ends on November 15th so we have about 4 weeks to get the boat prepared, stocked up again, & ready to head out of the harbor.

Until later!

{GMST}23|16.260|N|106|27.282|W|Waiting out the hurricanes!|Marina Mazatlan{GEND}


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