Friday, October 23, 2009

Palm Springs & T.S Rick 10.23.09

After watching the taping, we drove out to Palm Springs where Michael's family lives. We stayed with Michael's Mom that evening, arriving around midnight. Michael's mom had plenty of honey-do's on her list and we spent the past couple days both enjoying spending time with her, Michael's dad and sister's family. It was a great visit! Jennifer works dispatch at the police department and we managed to catch her on a day off, which was great as we got to do a little shopping & visiting.

Michael, his mom, Muriel and his nephew, Nolan

We're beginning to jones about getting back down to the boat and during our visit to Palm Springs, Hurricane Rick, which was downgraded to a Tropical Storm, ran right over Mazatlan, his center being shown as only about 10 boat lengths away from our boat - it doesn't get much closer than that!

The path of Tropical Storm Rick

The marina had 70mph winds, heavy rain and suffered some damage. We have heard our boat suffered no damage except for a scratch from a loose bolt from the slip...but we'll see when we get there! As you can imagine, we're fairly anxious to get back down to the boat and check out everything, not to mention seeing all of our friends again!

Just a couple days more until we're down there!


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