Monday, January 4, 2010

Leaving La Cruz 1.4.10

Hmmm….well….so we didn’t leave on New Year’s day! Haha!! Now c’mon…I know what you’re thinking – and no….it wasn’t because we were hungover (I’ll never admit to it!). haha! No, it was because Michael picked up a cold and that, combined with his hangover (don’t tell him I told you!) kept him in bed the entire day on New Year’s day. Literally. We waited until the last minute before making the decision to stay, and though it was a difficult one, it was a good decision. You just never know what is going to happen out there, and with one person under the weather, it is possible there can be trouble. Michael’s cold kicked his butt and he was a basket case for a day or so after. And my neck is still sore. December was a bad month for me! First I’m rushed to the ER, then I get a bee sting, and then a sore neck. I’ve mentioned this is the year we ‘utilize’ everything on the boat, I never knew I meant all of our meds too! I’ll be fine, just have to get past this rough patch.

Luckily, Outrider had plans to leave on Monday and we are going to follow them down. It’s always nice to buddy boat with another boat while rounding Cabo Corrientes….as well as just having people to talk to when you start to get tired! Plus we’ve had a few days to play with them! Trips into Bucerias, Tacos in the Street, the time passed way too quickly, as always.

So tonight’s the night. We’re going to leave here around 11:00pm. We’ll round Cabo Corrientes around 2am or so and should get to Chamela around 4pm. That’s the plan! Wish us luck…


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